Winter 2016 Single Again Topics

Topics have just been announced for Single Again meetings through March. A description of the topics follows. Please see the SA-Crofton or SA-Columbia pages for meeting dates.

Myths and Modern Media: Where do our Ideas of love and marriage come from? – Part I

Using myth, fairy tales, and some of the most popular and influential American movies of all time, we will take three meetings to explore media models for our concepts of love and attraction, from our own childhood to adulthood and from antiquity to modernity. Between meetings participants will view these iconic romance movies (some of which are adaptations from books):

  • Gone with the Wind
  • Casablanca
  • West Side Story / Camelot
  • The Princess Bride
  • When Harry Met Sally / Bridget Jones’ Diary / Boomerang
  • Pretty Woman
  • The Notebook
  • Think Like a Man

At meetings we will discuss, compare, and contrast the concepts and stereotypes of love and attraction presented in those movies.

Myths, Fairy Tales, and Modern Media: Where do our Ideas of love and marriage come from? – Part II

Builds on and continues the previous week’s session.

Myths, Fairy Tales, and Modern Media: Where do our Ideas of love and marriage come from? – Part III

Builds on and continues the previous two weeks’ sessions.

Facilitator Appreciation Night.

Tonight we’ll let our facilitators know how they matter and hear from them about how to maximize Single Again as a network for emotional healing and social connection.

Why Him? Why Her?  Part II: What can you do while you’re single to understand what got you single and to prepare yourself for healthier ways of loving?


Letting Go


Dating and Sex After Divorce


What Are Divorced Men Looking for in a Woman? Results of a survey of  Single Again men


What Are Divorced Women Looking for in a Man? Results of a survey of  Single Again Women


Aloneness, Loneliness, or Isolation?


How Do I Trust Again?


Another Point of View: In love, two difference realities can—and must—exist

In Single Again we often hear that it’s good to be open to others’ points of view.  We frequently some to Single Again with a hurtful experience of our partner’s and our own differing points of view—and the pain of not agreeing and disconnection.   We and our partner didn’t know how to be different and still stay connected.  Many have expressed their situation as this: “I had to cancel out myself to stay in the relationship. I couldn’t be myself.”  Single Again is a time to return to ourselves and to reinvent who we are.


Am I Codependent?

The term “codependency” evolved from a definition of the characteristic thoughts, feelings, and behaviors associated with living with an addict to a catch-all description of a weak sense of boundaries and identity. Whatever the definition, there is a way out.

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