MOHR Quarter 2: Boundaries

MOHR (Moving On to Healthy Relating) quarter 2 is beginning. The 12-week workshop will cover these topics:

Sessions Topics
1 So What are Boundaries?
2 The Rules that are Bounds to Me! – Spoken
3 The Rules that are Bounds to Me! – Unspoken
4 The Alpha and Omega of Boundaries
5 Inies and Outties
6 Communicating my Boundaries, Part I
7 Communicating my Boundaries, Part II
8 What Do I Do When………..?
9 Don’t Let The Little Devils Get You!!
10 Communicating My Defenses.
11 How Do I Take A Stand?
12 My Interpersonal Rights
Schedule: Tentatively starting mid-April
Locations: Columbia/Ellicott City
Facilitator: Carrie Hansen, MA, MSW, LCSW-C

Download the quarter 2 flyer here: MOHR-Q2 Boundaries

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